The Weatheralls Primary School


At Kennett Primary School, we encourage families to visit us from September, in the academic year in which they will be applying for a Reception place. We have taken the decision to welcome families early, so there is plenty of time for full consideration of what is a very important decision. At Kennett, we hope all visitors will experience what makes our school a wonderful place for children to learn and grow as part of a fantastic community. For this reason, after receiving very positive feedback, we continue to offer after-school tours to small groups and individual families. Provision of personalised tours ensures there is time for families to freely ask questions relevant to their child and their personal context.  

If you would like to request a visit, please contact the team in our school office - via telephone: 01638 750386 or email: - to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.  We very much look forward to hearing from you. 

A copy of the school's admission policy may be found here. Please note that following consultation our PAN will remain at 15 for admissions to the reception intake in 2025.

Application for children to join Kennett Primary School need to be made through the Cambridgeshire County Council Admissions Team. This can be done via their website or a form can be requested by telephoning: 0345 045 1370.  Applications cannot be made via email. 

All the information you need to know about the admissions process is available in the First Steps guide below (please click on the picture below to access the link) and is also available on the County Council’s website at:



If you live out of catchment, applications need to be made via the admissions team within your home local authority, for example, Suffolk County Council.  

Do you need to apply?

Our Published Admission Number (PAN) is 15 and we are very often oversubscribed; it is important for families to complete the application by the stated deadline. 

Children begin their learning journey at Kennett Primary School in the Autumn term of the school year in which they turn 5-years-old. Our Reception children attend school on a reduced timetable to start with, but will typically increase to fulltime attendance within their first full week. If a more flexible approach is required, this can be explored with our reception teacher - Mrs Owen. 

We are aware that starting school can be daunting for parents and carers and their children. We will support you with any concerns that you may have, through a thorough transition programme.  This programme ensures that families have plenty of opportunities to communicate with the school so that each child’s individual needs and character are well understood.  Typically, we offer transition visits to the school so that parents, carers and children may meet with the reception teacher (during the Summer Term) and home visits early in the Autumn Term. Other arrangements in place include:

  • Visits by the reception teacher to those children attending local nurseries; this allows children to meet their new teacher in surroundings that are familiar to them.
  • An introductory meeting – for parents and carers – to provide families with: key information; an insight into school life at Kennett Primary School and an opportunity to share concerns about their child starting school.
  • An invitation for all children allocated a place by the County Council to attend one morning and one afternoon familiarisation session towards the end of the Summer term.

If you have any specific questions, or feel that you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Data Protection Act

Information from home is gathered initially on an admission form. This is held on a school computer and is covered by the Data Protection Act. It is vital that we are informed of any changes in emergency phone numbers or other essential information as soon as changes take effect.

For further information regarding admissions parents and carers are invited to contact the Cambridgeshire Admissions Team:

Tel: 0345 045 1370