The Weatheralls Primary School

Welcome to Equiano

(Years 5 & 6)

In Team Equiano, we aim to consolidate and extend the learning journey that began upon each child's entry to Kennett.  We strive to promote positive behaviours for learning, including: leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication - key to their further development in secondary education. 

Pupils take on responsibilities throughout the school such as buddies (mentors and playmates for children in the reception class), sports leaders, librarians and our School Wellbeing Council. Through these roles, pupils act as positive examples for younger peers.  

Promoting a sense of belonging, our older pupils participate in a range of activities outside of school and in the local community to enhance our KennettCAN! ethic. 

We provide a rich and creative curriculum to inspire and encourage a life-long love of learning. 

Ms Melanie Cotton, Class Teacher

Mrs Jo Sheppard, Level 3 Teaching Assistant

Our Learning Overview

curriculum overview upper key stage two year a.pdf

A Closer Look: Team Equiano Learning Webs


Helpful Links

White Rose Maths

Y5 Multiplication

Y6 Multiplication

SATs Companion

Curriculum Visions

BBC Bitesize

AR Bookfinder

CBBC Newsround

Oak Academy