The Weatheralls Primary School

Welcome to Team Jemison

(Years 1 & 2)

In Team Jemison, we love to learn!

Our learning aims to inspire, motivate and excite our children's imaginations.

We believe strongly that education is a precious gift and that it is important we give the children in our care the opportunity to enjoy their time with us whilst striving to be the best they can be. When the children leave our class, we hope to have given them a love and passion for learning which will stay with them their whole lives! 

Mrs Michelle Mountford, Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Elisa Smith, Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA)

Our Learning Overview

curriculum overview key stage one year a.pdf


Our school uses Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised as our systematic, synthetic phonics programmes to teach early reading and spelling.

A closer Look: Team Nobel Learning Webs

 Helpful Links

Phonics Play

First 100 Words

Next 200 Words

Handwriting Hints

Y1 Multiplication

Y2 Multiplication

Curriculum Visions

White Rose Maths

Top Marks