The Weatheralls Primary School

Kennett Primary School - New Building

Steel Signing - 22 November

Wednesday 22nd November marked a key milestone in the construction of the new Kennett Primary School building.  The Headteacher of the school, Executive Headteacher of Staploe Education Trust, Trustees and Advisory Body members, along with representatives from Cambridgeshire County Council, AtkinsRealis, Bellway, the Tilbrook family, KCLT and Kier, visited the site for the steel signing ceremony.

Attendees signed a part of the steel framework - to be included in the construction of the building - leaving a lasting reminder of this special event. The structure of the new school site is starting to take shape and we’re excited to bring you updates on the progress being made.

Mr Horsley, Headteacher said "KennettCAN! positivity shone through during the recent steel signing event. It was wonderful to welcome so many key stakeholders to mark this very special occasion. The opportunity to forge partnerships with attendees, while the new school building was being constructed, was fantastic."

Steel Signing

Plans for our new primary school.  

kps pcb high res.pdf

Proposed location of Kennett Primary SchoolProposed Build Form of Kennett Primary SchoolVillage Square Sketch View Proposed Outdoor Space

Proposed elevations of Kennett Primary School

Proposed Ground Floor Plan

Fabric first approach reducing the demand for energy

Proposed exterior materials