The Weatheralls Primary School

Welcome to Team Rosen!




In Team Rosen, we aim to provide our children with a stimulating, fun and engaging environment where every child can flourish and experience success. We use exciting topic themes alongside the children's own interests to create a rich learning environment which develops confidence, independence and analytical skills. In our warm and nurturing environment, we value the experiences that each and every child brings to our setting. We believe that our parents and carers are partners in their children's learning journey therefore, we appreciate and celebrate the learning that takes place at home as well as at school.

For more information about our reception class, please look at the documents below.

Miss Turnbull, Classroom Teacher

Reception Information Powerpoint 

All About Team Rosen 2023-24: For Children



Our Unit

Our reception children (4-5 years old) are offered free flow ‘discovery time’.  They are able to discover, share and learn from one another. With the support of our experienced early years staff, activities are differentiated through careful questioning and outcome to ensure that all children experience a sense of achievement personalised to their individual needs. Alongside ‘discovery time’, we offer short adult-led inputs. Through these inputs children receive the level of knowledge suitable to their age.

Our Curriculum

At Kennett Primary School, we follow the Birth to Five Matters framework and the statutory early learning goals to help plan our rich curriculum and the children’s next steps. 

During a child’s time in our foundation stage unit, we build a profile of their learning using the interactive learning journey Early Essence. If you have a child in our foundation stage unit and you would like to view their online learning journey, please click on the link below to access your login.


Applying for a Place

If you would like to apply for a school place for your child to join our reception class, please see our admissions information for details about how to apply.



At Kennett Primary School, we follow Little Wandle Letters and sounds programme for our phonics scheme. In reception during the autumn term, we learn our phase two sounds and develop our blending skills. In the spring term, we learn our phase three sounds before moving onto our phase four sounds in the summer term.

For more information on our scheme, please visit:


In the Autumn term of reception, our children develop their fine motor control and letter formation skills. We will be encouraging them to use their increasing phonics knowledge and penmanship to write labels and lists. By the spring term, we will be looking to write simple sentences using capital letters, finger spaces between words and full stops. When the children leave our unit at the end of the summer term, we will have learnt how to write more detailed sentences including the use of some describing words and the conjunction ‘and’. The children will have experienced writing a whole variety of genre including: letters, non-fiction sentences, fictional sentences, questions and poetry.


At Kennett Primary School, we follow the White Rose maths mastery scheme. In the autumn term we will be concentrating on number knowledge to five. We will be matching, sorting and comparing different amounts before learning to represent and compare quantities to five. In the spring term, children will work on their number knowledge to ten. As well as matching, sorting and comparing, we will also learn our number bonds to ten.  During the summer term, children will continue to practise and consolidate their number knowledge and explore numbers from ten to 20 and beyond!

Throughout the year, children will also build confidence when comparing size, mass, capacity and patterns.

For more information about our mastery approach to maths teaching, please click on the link below:

Mastery Booklet for Parents 

Home Learning

In reception, as soon as the children are ready, they will be given a reading book and home reading record. Reading at home is absolutely vital to a child's progression.  We value the support parents and carers provide by listening to their children read at home for ten minutes each night.

Alongside regular reading, children will be given a maths home learning goal each half term. This goal matches age-appropriate expectations and will form a core aspect of their maths learning. 

For more information on the maths home learning goals, please see the below documentation:

Key Instant Recall Facts Information Sheet 

Useful Websites

Below are some useful website which you could use to further support your child’s learning at home.