Staff List
Leadership Team
Mr Scott Horsley | Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Prevent Lead, Domestic Abuse Lead, UNITY CUSP Coordinator, Wellbeing Council Lead, Computing Lead and PE Lead |
Mrs Michelle Mountford | Assistant Headteacher, Teacher (Year 1 & 2), Deputy DSL, EYFS Lead, Languages Lead and English Lead |
Teaching Team
Miss Fiona Turnbull | Teacher (Foundation), PSHE & RSE Lead & RE Lead |
Mrs Michelle Mountford | Teacher (Year 1 & 2) |
Mrs Jackie Deal |
Teacher (Year 3 & 4), Mathematics Lead & Science Lead |
Miss Laura Jolley | Teacher (Year 3 & 4) |
Ms Melanie Cotton | Teacher (Year 5 & 6), Art Lead, DY Lead & Music Lead |
Mrs Harriet Drewery |
Special Educational Needs Coordinator |
Administrative Team
Ms Sian Kenney | Administrator, receptionist (Tuesday to Friday) |
Mrs Alice Greenwood | Administrator, receptionist (Monday, Wednesday & Thursday) |
Pre-School Team
Mrs Nicola Turton | Pre-School Leader |
Teaching Assistant Team
Miss Anne Marie McDowell | Teaching Assistant (Year 1 & 2) |
Mrs Elisa Smith | Teaching Assistant (Year 1 & 2) |
Mr Matthew Gooding | Teaching Assistant (Year 3 & 4) |
Miss Abbie Levell | Teaching Assistant (Year 3 & 4) |
Mrs Jo Sheppard | Teaching Assistant (Year 5 & 6) |
After School Club Team
Mrs Tracy Colbert | After School Club Assistant (Casual) |
Mrs Melanie Girling | After School Club Assistant |
Mr Matthew Gooding | Sports Coach |
Breakfast Club Team
Mrs Carol Sessions | Breakfast Club Leader |
Miss Abbie Levell | Breakfast Club Assistant |
Lunchtime Supervisor Team
Mrs Diane Wallis | Senior Lunchtime Supervisor |
Miss Abbie Levell | Lunchtime Supervisor |
Miss Anne Marie McDowell | Lunchtime Supervisor |
Mrs Carol Sessions | Lunchtime Supervisor |
Site Staff / Cleaner
Mrs Diane Wallis | Cleaner in Charge |
Mrs Melanie Girling | Cleaner |
Sports Coach
Mr Matthew Gooding | Sports Coach |
Catering Team (employed by Chartwells)
Mrs Tracy Colbert | Kitchen Manager |
Mrs Diane Wallis | Catering Assistant |
Ms Geraldine Newman | Kitchen Assistant |